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Deposit interest rates as well as the yields in fixed income instruments jumped to historically high levels, following a tranquil decade of zero or negative rates. Ancoria Insurance offers funds that invest exclusively in Cash & Cash Equivalents and more specifically, in Money Market Funds. The funds are offered in Euro (€), Swedish Krona (kr), British Pound (£) and US dollar ($). The investment in these funds requires no minimum amounts and no lock-up periods. Finally, the funds are valued daily, allowing the investors to buy and sell units on a daily basis.
1st Half 2024
Full Year 2023
Money Market Fund EUR
Money Market Fund SEK
Money Market Fund GBP
Money Market Fund USD
All performance figures are net of fees and not annualized. The 1st half of 2024 refers to the period 29/12/2023 – 30/06/2024 and the full year 2023 figures refers to the period 30/12/2022 – 29/12/2023. Past performance is not a reliable indicator or guarantee of future performance. Money Market funds present a risk of capital loss. The value of your investment may fluctuate. Investing in money market funds is unlike investing in bank deposits. Policyholders whose base currency is different to the currency of the Fund will be subject to currency risk.
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