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Each of these funds invests in a range of other mutual funds and ETFs that are picked by Ancoria’s investment committee to suit a particular level of risk.
These funds are suitable for investors that do not have the expertise or appetite to set up their own fund strategy. They ara very well diversified geographically and invest in various asset classes.
If you prefer to build your own portfolio, take a look at our All funds section.
For investors who prefer a low to medium level of risk. Their priority is to maintain capital and to avoid fluctuations, limiting the chances for capital appreciation.Investment horizon: 5 years.
For investors who prefer a medium level of risk with increased chances for some capital appreciation without big fluctuations.Investment horizon: 5-10 years.
For investors who prefer a medium to high level of risk with increased chances for capital appreciation. Their priority is performance over income or capital preservation.Investment horizon: 10 years.
For investors who prefer a high level of risk with increased chances for higher capital appreciation. Their priority is performance over income or capital preservation.Investment horizon: more than 10 years.