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Ancoria Insurance Grants Three Scholarships for Cyprus Shipping

Ancoria Insurance Public Ltd continues its ongoing support of the Cyprus shipping industry by granting three full scholarships through its ICS Scholarships Program. The successful recipients for 2020, Alexandra Grigorascenco, Rafaella Ioannou and Christos Tsangarides will be granted full scholarships for the seven subjects required to undergo the Professional Qualifying Examinations (PQE) for Membership (MICS) to the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers (ICS).  

The Chairman of the ICS Cyprus Branch Mr. Yiannis Shittas commented that “We are very pleased that Ancoria Insurance has recognised the importance of professional development of shipping graduates in Cyprus and is offering for the second consecutive year three full ICS Scholarships to young professionals to achieve the ICS membership.  The scholarship recipients will have the opportunity to considerably enhance their knowledge of the shipping industry as well as their network. On behalf of the Board of the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers Cyprus Branch I would like to thank Ancoria Insurance for their kind offering and support. We hope this cooperation will continue in the years to come.”

The ICS Scholarships Program is part of Ancoria Insurance Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives and complements the mission of its main shareholder, the Sievert Larsson Scholarship Foundation, in supporting education. The Sievert Larsson Scholarship Foundation, was established in 2007 with the purpose to facilitate the education of high calibre students that have exhibited excellence through their academic achievements and has so far granted thousands of scholarships globally.

The project was submitted under the Digital Transformation for Business Program and is co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund and the Republic of Cyprus.